Here's an intrusive way of generating engagement to the readers of a magazine - introducing...the "Don't waste your sperm" campaign!
Just ofr once, the monthly issue of the men oriented magazine FHM was sent with two particular an effort to get the attention of the reader, the magazine had in fact "hidden them", since the 2 pages were literally glued together.
Upon finding these two pages like this, the reader gets curios and opens them...only to find an invitation of using in a better way (...than a magazine full of women) their sperm: donating it in a fertility clinic!
It's probably not necessary to explain why this specific campaign was realized with the "glued together" pages - compliments to this funny, clever and coherent marketing idea (even if it's...a bit disgusting)!
This postcard is being given for free these days in clubs and discos all over Poland - the question is...why?
"Not every doggy is merry at christmas"
It's hard to understand what's the message of this postcard without explanation, but this is also one of the reasons why it's created this way - it's so obscure that it stimulates who receives it to read it carefully and try to understand its meaning.
Which, of course, is a reminder of the fact that christmas and the cold season have almost arrived and many dogs are in the streets...that's why you should support your local dog shelter with a donation.
The theme of the postcard is definitely in line with the audience of discos and clubs and its kinky bature obviously helps spreading word of mouth and buzz - with full benefits for the dogs!
One of the greatest accomplishment that a viral marketing campaign can hope to obtain is to start a chain of imitators - the point of reference of the current generation of viral videos is obviously the "Old Spice" commercial (here's the original videos and here's the case study of its success), and here's a new example of "inspired to" video...this time with a feminine take at it!
The (sexist) opposite of the macho-man dream of the original
It's basically a "win-win" strategy: the imitation gets an easy boost in popularity thanks to the fame of the original, which in return keeps being talked about even long after its lifespan
A new take of the already unconventioal "teasing" marketing strategy - a genious agency broght everyman fantasy into the streets of Paris with a perfect mixture of ambient marketing (using the "world" as a media) and OutOfPlace marketing (temporary and unexpected installations).
4 times a day, from a crowded shopping street, it's possible to admire a young lady silhouette dancing and teasing the strangers from behind the curtains - but what for?
...obviously, to gain low cost attention (and media exposure)...until the time when the curtains are pulled and the website is revealed, in front of an entertained crowd - word of mouth and buzz are sure to follow!
Funny card created by a communication agency as a promo...the perfect gift to celebrate the birth of a little boy!
WIth literally no investment, this is a perfect way for an agency to make the potential clients understand that, once again, what counts is creativity.
As often shown here on sex-marketing, the basic approach for sexually transitted diseases awareness campaigns is to scare the viewer with strong images - this campaign is more intelligent and innovative than that - it's an interactive story narrated through videos with multiple choices at the end.
Everything starts at a shop: will you buy condoms or won't you? Starting from this decision, you will live the night through the eyes of our protagonist, up yo the fated sex encounter...this is the starting point, try it!
This video is…peculiar. It certainly is structured as a viral video, but it’s so graphic and explicit that I can’t really imagine it to be passed on too much – also, there’s the serious risk of somebody not wanting to know how it ends…
…but for everybody who actually makes it until the end, the success of this AD is the fact that it makes you get the message: you WILL remember the payoff, next time you sleep in a hotel.
This video is another example of something that is definitely NOT uncomventional in itself, but that in the end manages to capture more attention than it should thanks to the old fashioned controversy marketing strategies!
Beyonce new fragrance wouldn’t probably have gotten all the media exposure it has since it was decided that the video was too hot to be shown before night time – the conclusion? Now everybody has seen the AD and the product…during the news.
A provocative, inventive and interactive piece of self advertising from the agency McCann Erickson – the message is simple: you may think that every publicity can be succesfull with the right mix of animals, babies and….sex.
Click here and find it out by yourself: create your own piece of advertising with a few clicks, by choosing the % of animals, babies and sex…and you’ll understand why it may be better to ask a professional do your AD campaign!
Pictured above: even 100% of sex won’t work. 33% each is the best...go try it out
Promo used to advertise a reality show on the high-school\college life of teen moms on MTV - the picture is the missing link in the evolution between serious television and the MTV generation...and it doesn't fail to catch the attention in a somehow clever way
Another example of sex-based ADs used to spread HIV awareness - like we've already seen in the past on sex-marketing (for example here or here), it looks like that the best strategy to pass the message is to a) scare the viewer b) be remembered by adding some special effects
Each time you sleep with someone you also sleep with his past
The search for good ideas sometimes leads to pearls like the two videos above, for which I have little to zero background information, like half on the people on the internet...and still, they can be classified as viral phenomena - enjoy!
So senseless that you won't actually be able to stop watching. Also, best soundtrack ever
Both AXE and Old Spice position themselves as a "brand for real man": the first has been doing it for years with slightly sexist (and for this, memorable) ADs, the second is the brand that best represent the internet potential for Marketing.
The following AD may not be "sexy" but it's fun to see were this little war might lead to - and if you don't understand it, just take a look at the original!
Manwear brand Jack & Jones is definitely confident of the results that wearing the brand can bring to who chooses it - here's a funny, well realized and so-sad-it's-funny viral
The positioning, after years of AXE campaigns, is not very original but the realization certainly is...enjoy!
Funny idea for a cosmetic surgeon's business card!
This kind of gadget, in addition to giving real and useful contact informations, gives a boost to the brand's memorability and awareness' spread: in fact, a business card like this, instead of being thown away like the rest, it's not only kept but it will be most likely shown to other people!
The following video is a very brave AD that takes the buzz marketing approach to the extreme: if this actually works out (and it looks like it will...almost 2 millions views on Youtube), this will be the proof that nothing is too idiotic and too risky for the internet
The play on word is so stupid and gross that it may have ruined the success of the video, but this issue was cleverly balanced by the high production value of the video itself and the constant exposure of the AXE logo that reminds the viewer that this is an actual publicity!
Desigual, a spanish clothes brand, fuses different type of unconventional marketing strategies in one successfull event for the opening of two new shops!
The idea is simple: if you get to the shop in just your underwear, you can get out of it almost dressed, since desigual will give you two pieces of clothes of your choice!
Everything's here: buzz marketing (from the blogs to the spanish news, everybody talked about it); event marketing (it's almost a flash mob); viral marketing (everything was cleverly recorded and spread in the internet...also by the very same participants!).
The only problem is probably the not-so-low cost of the campaign, but the costs have been probably already been covered just by the increased visits to the shops made possible by the word of mouth of the dozens that participated!
An ambient marketing campaign that "breaks" the notorious fourth wall ...literally. Wonderbracontinues to use 3D (in a certain way!) to get noticed, cleverly putting this funny piece of AD in tipical waiting places: bus stops!
An interesting marketing insight of the Viral sensation "Old Spice" commercial (click here for the blog's take on it).
This video highlights all the strategy behind the Old Spice choice for positioning, target, induced call to action and communication channel chosen for this campaign - it's sometimes useful to be reminded that behind the success of a viral campaign there are specific marketing needs and accurate planning...nothing happens by chance!
In the second part of the video is shown what is probably the most wanted effect of a viral campaign: being referred to in pop-culture events (with FAR more media attention) and starting a chain of imitators - Old Spice managed to get all this, definitely not every brands' accomplishment. In conclusion...clics' number aint''s just the beginning.
Sometimes, the difference between soft core porn and clever sexy advertising is very, very thin - and more than often, it has to be so, if an AD wants to be remembered by the consumer
Incredibly cool and well orchestrated marketing strategy - a conventional medium, a billboard, is turned into a sort of event when Wonderbra decides to realize the first 3D billboard of the world!
The idea would be enough to generate some genuine buzz around the brand (and to catch the viewer attention), but Wonderbra went further, thanks to a give away initiative were bra-shaped 3D glasses were actually given to the people - unconventional gadgeting meets unconventional advertising!
By the way, the idea was quickly copied by other media: many magazines are in fact starting to insert 3D publicities and covers in their giving at the sime time free 3D glasses (...branded 3D glasses of course)
Another entry for the cause of the italian approach to "controversy marketing" - strategies.
There's probably nothing more to say on these kind of strategies on the blog (you can clic on the "controversy" tag to see other themed articles)...but I guess it's important to point out that all of these ADs haven't been found on marketing blogs, but on news websites - there's no need for more proof of the advantages of this ideas!
"Assorted" nun, eating italian ice cream...pregnant. Religion and sex always work when trying to create a controversy
This AD "screams" to get noticed...and talked about. Just look at the dimensions (and obviously, the subject)
Another brilliant case of a Controversy Marketing...or just a succesfull result derived from a vulgar and gross strategy!
"You can ride me (install, as an Italian play on word) for free"
In the end, the controversy works as well as usual...maybe even better, since in addition to the usual free media coverage (blogs, forums, tv etc), even an Italian "Minister" (Carfagna) expressed her disappointment - and so the (almost unknown) brand names keeps getting echo and media exposure
Here's an interesting "homage" to one of the most famous AXE AD ever - this cannot be considered a mere copy, since the product sponsored (a glass shop, Specs) is completely different from the Lynx hygene product.
Probably, after literally years from the first, epic spot, Lynx (owner of te AXE brand) gave its permission to recreate a spoof of the first AD - thanks to the fond memories of the audience (and the "suggested video" function of youtube), both brands will surely benefit from this awareness boost!
The new video, where the women are "a little" more stereotypical than you might remember from the old one:
The legendary old one, perfectly in line with the "Machoman" positioning of Lynx:
In conclusion, this is a clever use of an otherwise old intellectual property from Lynx, and a "safe" attempt to go viral for another brand that never tried!
A stupid but funny example of ADs made purely to catch the viewer attention: there's absolutely no connection between the payoff and the product, but still, as said before, even stupidity can be an interesting positioning strategy, best used to differentiate your brand from the rest!
Maybe these shouldn't be on this blog...but the truth is they shouldn't appear anywere, so it won't matter if a butt-face is enough to classify them as sex-related ADs or not!
There's nothing unconventional about these ADs, apart from being examples of the thousands of non-imaginative and conventional publicity that I have to skip while looking for interesting materials - they surely don't deserve an exclusive article...but they can be here all together at last.
Here are some fine examples of WRONG sex marketing!
Lack of creativity
This is sad: while the Durex ADs have become the reference for all kind of marketing strategy (be it ambient, controversy, viral, literally everything) with their inventive and funny approach to an otherwise risky product...Trojan gives us this: a rollercoaster that says "Orgasm".
"Just put a naked woman in it"
Almost every brand did this at least once - it's far too easy to just put a beautiful\naked girl in a sexual contest to gain attention. Does it work? Yes. Is it funny or inventive? No.
(In this case, the brand is a beauty saloon - payoff, "love what you see")
Poorly realized
Even Durex can get it wrong - if one of your AD is on youtube, even if it's one of the oldest viral-attempt ever, you have to make it look like there are actually some production value behind - unless you want to use the fake amateur video stratagy...but this doesn't seem to be the case. Still, this video is funny and viral-wannabe, but also an example of the fact that ideas sometimes are not enough.
Clever marketing campaign created to promote breast cancer awareness - the message is clear, direct and easy to understand: are you worrying about what's really important?
What's unconventional is actually the medium - actual breasts, with nipples cleverly incorporated in the graphics!
Even the extreme stupidity can be a positioning strategy...and in the new marketing natural-habitat (word of mouth, viral videos), it can actually be a good positioning strategy, if a company wants to stand among the rest of the condom brands - meet the Condom Fairy! (courtesy of Skin Condoms)
Nice webAd for the NON-STOP Control's condoms: the video, full of actors and production value, it's structured to both get the viewer attention quickly (the explicit sex scene at the beginning) and to instill curiosity ("why the orchestra scenes?"), so that the vision actually continues until the end.
...because then, there's the stroke of genious of the gran finale, where the two stories tie together in a funny and unexpected way - the crescendo of both scenes and the coherence of the "story"' with the condom actual name guarantee memorability in the consumer mind
The meaning and payoff of this clever piece of Advertising for Hansaplast condoms it's not immediate...and it's probably made it this way on pourpose.
I won't spoil it, I'll just praise the creative mind behind it for being able to create something that will actually keep a person looking at it for some time!
Blush, a swimwear Brand, created a website for its campaign "De-Nudilizer", where everybody can upload a picture with a nude subject and try on it the brand's product - the idea is simple and so it's the way it works.
The website keeps record of all the updated pictures (from males in a bikini to old "obscene" works of art!)'s pure web 2.0 gold, with the only complaint being the missed opportunity of an integration with facebook
Original (or crazy?) positioning choice for a German mattress brand - the payoff ("The perfect dreams") is simple, easy to remember and basically perfect for the product...except for the fact that it's declined in a sexy-soccer-alchol clichè way that makes it perfectly fit for sex-marketing!
There's much to be discovered apart from the two ladies - the playstation near the TV, the fries on the table, the "Germany 5 - England 0" result on the TV, the "fat is fit" news on the newspaper...funny details that help this piece of advertising not taking itself too seriously!
Nothing much to say - just another funny viral-wannabe for an Argentinian brand of condoms (skin2skin) - rest assured...there's no need to understand what they say to get what's going on
The PETA movement (People for Ethical Treatment of the Animals) is perhaps the organization that exploited the sex marketing principles the most: 99% of their campaigns are heavily themed around the naked body as an instrument to immediately catch the attention.
PETA was also lucky enough to have the support of more or less famous personalities during the years, including the likes of Pamela Anderson, Eva Mendes, Alicia Silverstone, and many others - this was a lucky shot for PETA since without a strong endorsment from some celebrities, thei advertising would be too near to gross marketing porn.
Here are some of the most recent examples, but keep in mind that PETA has been doing this kind of aggressive campaign for a long time (almost three decades), so there's a rich (and...interesting) database to be found on the web for whoever is interested!
..because, what else could one possibly want to photograph from underwater? Brave and original positioning choice for Canon that tries to find a cool niche in the crowded market of digital camera!
Viral-video-wannabe for SexyAvenue, an online sexy shop - I have to say that attaching the advertising of an online sexy shop to a viral video is a clever and practical idea: after the viral aspect of the video catches the attention of the viewer, a simple (and anonimous) link is shown.
At this point the viewer can satisfy his curiosity with a simple click without the embarrasment of actually entering a sexy shop - the mild\spicy tone of the video helps in getting the job done!
A funny (and still unreleased) fake calendar made by Matchbox...which makes little toy cars. So...what better calendar for the little mechanics that plays with them? can't help but to think that this is a little (!) off-target...but as usual, everything is fine for the sake of the buzz marketing, so even a "leaked" announcement for a fake children calendar gets the honor of being referred to as unconventional
Many people have known first hand the effects of alchol on their inhibitions - but not many alcool brand decide to position themselves as "that one drink that will make you have sex since you're drunk", because it's not exactly what you can call "politically correct"., meet FLIRT VODKA!
A brand with a self explaining name that based its ALL campaign and positioning on the principles of controversy and buzz marketing - they did something as unusal as eyecatching (see the photos below), actually hoping that these will be doens't care if itsfor the best or for the worst - kudos flrit vodka!
Here's an ambient marketing installment that is at the same time clever, simple, eye-catching and, most importantly, cost-effective
From Bustop Lingerie
The woman's skirt is actually real fabric sawn on the poster and it moves with the wind a là Marylin - and yes, the "look your best" payoff IS a cheap but funny play on words!
The first "Old Spice" spot was an incredible viral success all over the web when it came out a few months ago - more than 10 MILLIONS views excluding those that come from the shared video on Facebook and such.
The video appeals to a wide audience, by presenting to the women the stallion of their dreams (a collection of manly and sexy sthereotypes) and by teasing the men to try harder to look (and smell!) like him.
If somebody out there never saw the first commercial, sex-marketing is here for you with this masterpiece
But Old Spice knows far too well the importance of sequels or the episodic nature of viral video in general, and during the currently ongoing Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival, the second video was shown in front of a large (and perfectly in-target) audience - here it is!
Thanks to the enormous presence of bloggers and advertiser at the festival, the video is currently being posted literally all over the web on marketing websites - it probably won't be long until the previous view record will be brocken
Honestly, I couldn't find out exactly what this fine example of ambient marketing was trying to publicize - I'll just presume it's a night club and go on.
As the name suggest, an ambient marketing operation is a campaign that uses already existing ordinary infrastructures and interwines them with something unexpected to convey a message.
The ordinary object is immediately noticed since it's in a completely different contest - the best ambient marketing campaigns (like this one, even if I have no idea what it's promoting) also try to be coherent with the ambient to create a sort of "fourth wall" effect!
Nothing much to say about this internet-famed short video - it's of the ideal lenght, ideal naughtyness/cleanliness ratio and with high production values. It practically screams "share" on something like 200.000 facebook walls - a nice, and most of all, succesfull, example of viral video!
Even the purest mind can't help but to see more than meets the eye in this clever piece of online advertising for the deutsche version of the Playboy website.
Very clever initiative for a social campaign meant to remind the importance of donating some of your stuff (like, ALL the clothes you're wearing) to people who are more in need of them.
The creative minds behind this campaign asked themeselves: where can we find people who are willing to donate their clothes? The answer was clear: a nude beach!
Click on the picture for the large version with all the details
An entire beach was converted in a space reserved for everybody who wanted to take of all of their clothes and give them away on the spot - a nice engagement experiment that with the right media seeding strategy will probably get all the attentiont it deserves...the buzz (at least from its daring participants!), it's almost guaranteed.
A gross (but well realized) campaign, with a strong graphical content that's an effective way of catching the eye and vehiculate the AIDS prevention message
Funny viral starring model\actress Jessica Jane Clement and a clueless idiot - even if it gets predictable in the end, the episodic nature of this online piece of advertising (his video contains all the sketches aggregated) is perfectly compatibile with the viral strategy: you see the first, you see the others in the "related" column on youtube, you get curious, you sign up at the channel, you wait for the next one...and so on!
By the way, if after all of this you were wondering "and what does this product has to do with all of this", this is the supposed answer:
An incredible viral realized by Axe, that for once drops its "macho-fatale" positioning strategy in exchange for a video that shows that sometimes, you can miss not one, not two but TEN sexy, almost naked girls covered in paint!
There's nothing more conventional than using sex in advertising to draw the consumer's attention - it always worked, and it always will.
Still, as you're about to discover on this container of unusual sex-themed advertising, it doesn't mean that it can't be more than unconventional with the proper creative effort - especially when the goal is to shock, create buzz and fuel controversy. And, sell.