Saturday, December 1, 2012

Slap that ketchup...slap it

In the reign of social media and digital marketing, the more "traditional" of the guerrilla marketing campaigns, the stickering, is slowly fading into obscurity...but every now and then a creative idea comes up to remind us of it's value

An erotic shop, specialized in fetish\sadomasochistic toys, conducted a guerrilla campaign in the nearby fast foods, restaurants and so on, to attach to ketchup bottles a very peculiar sticker
Everybody knows how to make a ketchup bottle work - you "slap" it from behind...this simple action takes a whole different meaning when you find the stickers above at your table: pure genius.

The sprite shower

Not really a "sex marketing" article, but the sheer coolness of the initiative and the fact that is happening in a brazilian beach full of swimsuits, justify the presence of this video on this blog

The idea doesn't even need an explanation - it's "just" a giant Sprite shower in the form of a dispenser!

This is certainly not a marketing campaign for everybody's pockets, but for an already known brand as Sprite it's the perfect way to promote awareness!

Not that kind of show

Intriguing piece of advertising used in the past months to promote the new season of "True Blood" - after a couple of seasons the show already had a clear positioning, something like "that series with the vampires having sex"...when the PRIME communication team looked for a way to express both concept (sex and vampires)...that's the result

Not very clever, but eye-catching!