Sunday, February 27, 2011

Viagra...and everything's a bed

Funny ADs for the most famous blue pill in the world - the idea and the message are both very simple
A car? No, it's a bed with Viagra

A lawn? No, it's a bed with Viagra

Kitchen table? No, it's a bed with Viagra

Condom ADs - a different approach

Here are some fine example of a lateral way of thinking for what concerns the communication of a condom's feature.
Why saying that they are extra long, when you can just show an articulated baloon animal made of just one condom?

Why losing time and space to speak about the "minimal" thickness of these condoms when you can have just a "minimalistic" visual campaign?

In conclusion, sometimes is more original and effective to show something than to say it, if you can manage to do it in an unexpected\unused way

Electric Lingerie

Cool billboard created in Berlin for Blush lingerie: jump-start car wires have been used to recreate the silhouette of a sexy lady, as to convey in an original way the message "restart your engine"!
As usual in modern advertising campaign, the media approach passes also through youtube - whetere it's tiwtter, facebook or whatever, these days a multichannel strategy is a must for advertising